
遵理學校 (BEACON COLLEGE) 創立於一九八九年,乃一所於香港特別行政區政府註冊之私立學校。「學海無涯,茫茫彼岸,導航明燈,唯冀遵理」,遵理的使命是成為莘莘學子的領航燈,引領學生步向光明前路,走出困境,邁向成功。

遵理的主要業務為提供中學補習課程、全日制高中課程、學前教育,以及終身學習課程系列。憑著專業、用心的服務態度及優秀的師資,至今校網已遍佈全港,母公司精英匯集團控股有限公司亦於2018年7月在香港聯合交易所主版上市。現時遵理二十一間分校包括超過一百四十間課室,每年培育出數萬名學生,是香港其中一間最具規模的私營教育平台。近年,遵理積極開拓學前教育市場,幫助幼兒從小建立良好品德及習慣,亦奠定穩固的學術基礎,此外,遵理亦開辦其他實用的培訓課程,如雅思備試、韓語、攝影課程等,貫徹終生學習Learning knows no boundaries的精神。


「學海無涯,茫茫彼岸,導航明燈,唯冀遵理」,乃遵理,亦即Beacon「導航燈」的意思。三十年來,我們一直朝著這方向發展,引領學生「本其所學,貢 獻社會」。我們希望透過偌大的平台聚合精英,為學生提供學習的選擇。











遵理致力發展教育,廣受認同。精英匯集團於二零一八年獲TVB財經資訊台頒發「卓越上市公司大獎」,同年獲《am730》等機構頒發「傑出上市公司大獎」。 遵理於二零一五年起榮獲香港品牌發展局頒發的「香港服務名牌」榮譽,於二零一九年更榮膺「香港卓越服務名牌」。於二零一六年起亦連續三年獲得「微笑企業大獎」及「微笑僱主大獎」。此外遵理的市場營銷策略亦備受肯定,於二零一八年獲香港市務學會頒發Market Leadership Award ;於二零一四及二零一五年分別獲「W3 獎」、「香港資訊及通訊科技獎-銅獎」及「市場營銷雜誌金獎」。












同時,為推動學生和市民大眾對動物權益的了解,2014年遵理與本地慈善團體LAP (Lifelong Animal Protection Charity)展開長期合作,在全線遵理學校設立捐款箱,為救助動物基金籌募經費外,更與LAP合辦動物權益講座,簡介本地動物權益團體的工作及推廣保護動物的資訊,從而提升及教育市民大眾的關注。





遵理起義(Beacon Uprising)於2012年中成立,資助來自綜援家庭或低收入家庭的學生報讀高中補習課程。透過嚴謹的審核制度,遵理起義能確保一切資源能應用到真正有需要的學生身上。現在受惠的草根家庭子女不計其數。透過遵理起義,我們希望能提升他們的競爭力,讓處於經濟劣勢的學生能憑知識和毅力在社會上找到自己的位置。



Founded in 1989, Beacon College is a registered private school in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. ‘The sea of knowledge is deep and wide, but with attainable shores. Only by relying on the light of a beacon can one reach enlightenment.’ In accordance with this motto, Beacon serves as a lighthouse that guides students out of their academic predicament and leads them to a bright and successful future.

Beacon College mainly offers tutorial classes at the secondary level, day-time secondary courses for Senior Secondary students, pre-education courses and life-learning courses. With the effort and passion of our outstanding management and highly qualified teachers, the College has now established an extensive network of teaching centres throughout the territory. Beacon currently runs 21 teaching centres with a capacity of over 140 classrooms, serving tens of thousands of students each year. Its mother company, BExcellent Group Holdings Limited, got listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in July 2018. We possess one of the most large-scale private supplementary education platform in Hong Kong. Recently, Beacon Group expanded its market to the pre-education field, nurturing toddlers with good virtues and habits, as well as consolidating their academic foundation. In addition, we provide practical training courses, such as IELTS preparatory courses, Korean language and photography courses, in order to encourage students’ life-learning. The motto “Learning knows no boundaries” enables learners from all walks of life to pursue life-long holistic learning.

Beacon has dedicated itself to offering education of the highest quality for the past 30 years and cultivating in young people the idea of contributing to the community with one’s acquired knowledge, making them future pillars of society.

Beacon has developed a sound management system under the guidance of elite leaders, with almost four hundred full-time staff members committing themselves wholeheartedly to education.

‘The sea of knowledge is deep and wide, but with attainable shores. Only by relying on the light of a beacon can one reach enlightenment.’ Beacon College, as its name implies, is a light which gives direction. With this belief, we have been cultivating in students the idea of contributing to society with their acquired knowledge. We hope that, through our vast platform for education, we can provide students with more choices in learning.

Beacon College emphasises professionalism and passion, which highlights our effective and modern methods of conveying knowledge.

Beacon College offers various education courses in a wide diversity.
As a leading private secondary day schools offering a full-time high school curriculum, Beacon College promotes all-round development to students. After receiving our schooling, over 30 thousand students who could not reach their targets in public exams before were able to get places in local or overseas universities. A survey in 2013 revealed that Beacon College was 80% students’ first choice among all private secondary schools.
Beacon College holds tutorial classes ranging from S.1 to S.6, the emphasis being on the intensive training of public exam skills. There are around 60,000 students enrolling our tuition courses annually.

The education services provided by Beacon breaks through the standard pattern of traditional teaching, and have given a brand new learning experience to students and parents with freedom of choices in learning subjects, modes, time and locations. Students even have the freedom to try and choose from different teaching style of tutors and different study modes in one subject.

Our many years of experience and knowledge in education have helped develop a systematic teaching style and well-organised teaching materials. Our teams of professional teaching staff, along with well-equiped teaching facilities, work together for the best of our students.

In the future, Beacon will further embed IT in learning and teaching, to enhance the learning experience with information technology, for example to develop big data analysis for learning progress tracking and online assessment platform, for the promotion of the education industry development.

In addition to the endeavor towards academic results, Beacon College also focuses on all-round development. Our college has been actively participating in a wide range of intra-school athletic activities in order to encourage students to learn the spirit of perseverance, endurance, fair competition, and the pursuit of the best in a civilised society. Embracing good characteristics and rich knowledge, students will be able to achieve success and actualise their ability to contribute to society with their knowledge and skills.

Beacon Group’s management team is comprised of a number of professionals. With effective distribution of resources and efficient management the group is expanding its scale. Meanwhile, over three hundred staff members have wholeheartedly devoted their time and effort to education.

The innumerable prizes and awards won by Beacon have shown its distinguished performance in the education field. In 2018, the BExcellent Group was awarded the “2018 Distinguished Listed Companies”award and the“ListCo Excellence Award” presented by presented by “TVB Finance & Information Channel” and “AM730”and other organizations respectively. Beacon Group was also awarded “Hong Kong Premier Service Brand presented by “Hong Kong Brand Development Council”in 2019, it has been the third consecutive years that Beacon was awarded the “Hong Kong Top Service Brands” since 2015. We have also honored the “Smiling Enterprise”and“Smiling Employer”since 2016.

Beacon’s marketing strategy had been recognized by a number of honorable prizes in recent years, such as Market Leadership Award in 2018 “Best SME (ICT) – Bronze Award” and “Markies Awards” in 2015, as well as “W3 Award”in 2014.

Beacon College has over 300 professional teaching and non-teaching staff members. All teaching staff members are holders of Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate degrees, and some of them are also holders of the Diploma of Education, oral examiners, columnists, seminar speakers or book writers. In order to take care of students’ mental and emotional needs, Beacon College engages professional counselor to give them advice.

With its dedication to professionalism and passion in education, Beacon Group has committed itself to every aspect of education. Schools are well-equipped with laboratories, computer rooms and rooms for oral practice. Each air-conditioned room has been equipped with advanced technological devices.

Beacon has also set up a multiple-broadcast system inside its classrooms to improve the quality of teaching. Students can enjoy interesting presentations in a more relaxed environment.

Every year, Beacon invests tremendous monetary and human resources in maintenance of school facilities. In addition, we have hired plenty of staff helpers in each to serve students and parents and ensure the best quality of teaching and learning.

As a private school, Beacon College has a higher flexibility of budget planning and decision making. We earn profits by responding quickly and effectively to the ever-changing business environment. Thanks to the reputation of our school, we have a sound financial foundation even though we have to operate without government subsidies.


Beacon College has always made a genuine effort to support charitable organizations. Over the past few years, Beacon has raised funds for Yan Chai Hospital by setting up donation boxes at schools, thereby arousing awareness among students and staff to poor minorities. Our enormous contribution to society has earned us the Caring Company Logo for eleven consecutive years.

In an effort to draw the public’s attention to animal rights, Beacon College has partnered with a local charity, LAP (Lifelong Animal Protection Charity), establishing donation boxes at our schools to raise funds. Apart from this, we have organised seminars introducing the work of protecting animals and advocating animal rights so as to arouse the public’s awareness to the work of such groups. Through our extensive community networks, we have established a close partnership with different welfare sectors. In 2014 and 2016, Beacon was awarded the “Social Capital Builder” award by the Labour and Welfare Bureau’s Community Investment and Inclusion Fund for two consecutive years in recognition of actively promoting cross-sectoral social responsibility.

Knowledge Promotion

Beacon College believes in the old saying “knowledge changes fate”. To help students who have high academic aspirations but are financially in need, Beacon College cooperated with “Principal Chan Free Tutorial World’ in 2013. The tutors and teachers of Beacon voluntarily provide quality workshops and educational services. Our objective is to pass the torch to the next generation so that more students are unfettered by financial obstacles and can contribute to the future community.

Beacon Uprising

Beacon Uprising was established in 2012 to provide additional financial assistance to CSSA families or low-income families to enroll in our tutorial courses. Through our rigorous review system, Beacon Uprising ensures that all the resources can be used good to help those in need. Numerous students have been benefited from this scheme. We hope that we can ultimately enhance the competitiveness of those who need financial aid, and equip them with knowledge and perseverance to achieve what they long for in society.

Scholarships for Arts Students at HKU and CUHK

The newly established merit-based scholarships aim to support the students of Chinese and Chinese literature at CUHK and the arts students at HKU who wish to broaden their academic opportunities respectively. The educational funds are intended to subsidise non-first-year students with their outstanding academic performance and all-round talents in different avenues, where every award recipient will be able to utilise the monetary reward to pursue their academic goals.

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免責聲明   |   精英匯集團控股有限公司成員 (上市編號:1775)   |   O/B Beacon College Ltd. 遵理學校有限公司