【網上學英文】上網學Grammar / Sentence Structures/ Paper 2 Writing


無論寫作、說話都成日俾老師話做得唔好,究竟點解錯?點樣先係正確?講到英文能力,當中最考功夫一般都在乎Grammar及Sentence Structures,不如等Michael由淺入深教你正宗正統的Grammar及Sentence Structures啦!另外,仲有新推出的Different Formats for Paper 2 Writing課程,學識英文寫作冇難度!


  1. S1 – S6 HKDSE學生 (或)
  2. 即將應考IELTS 或TOEFL的考生 (或)
  3. 有心提升文法運用的大學生或在職人士

網上課堂 + 網上講義(可自行印刷)*


S4-6 Different Formats for Paper 2 Writing課程大綱

Chapter 1 Formal email and letter
Chapter 2 Letter to the editor
Chapter 3 Letter of complaint
Chapter 4 Letter of Advice and Personal Letter
Chapter 5 Proposal
Chapter 6 Report
Chapter 7 Speech
Chapter 8 Article and Title
課程編號   堂數學費  
Different Formats for Paper 2 Writing 216SEW145-O8 $ 1,000

S1-6 Grammar Course 課程大綱

Module 1 Subject-verb Agreement Singular and Plural NounsActive and Passive VoiceGerunds and Infinitives
Module 2Verb Tenses (Part I) Verb Tenses (Part II)Modal VerbsPrepositions
Module 3Parts of SpeechProofreadingPhrasal VerbsConnectives
Module 4Adjective ClausesNoun Clauses & Adverbial ClausesParticiplesConditional Sentences
  課程編號 堂數 學費
Grammar Course (Module 1)21GR101-1-O 4 $700
Grammar Course (Module 2)21GR202-2-O 4 $700
Grammar Course (Module 3)21GR303-3-O 4 $700
Grammar Course (Module 4)21GR404-4-O 4 $700
Grammar Course (Module 1+2+3+4) 21GRA01-O 16 $1,800

S1-6 Sentence Structures 課程大綱

Chapter 1Basic Sentence Structures
Chapter 2Cause and Effect (Part I)
Chapter 3Cause and Effect (Part II)
Chapter 4Contrast
Chapter 5Prepositional Phrases
Chapter 6Inversion Patterns
Chapter 7The Anticipatory Subject (It)
Chapter 8Adjective Clauses
Chapter 9When X meets Y
Chapter 10That special some verb
Sentence Structures 10堂全精讀216SES144-O10$999

學好Grammar及Sentence Structures可以幫你短時間提升英文水平!!


導師簡介: Michael Chan

  • 英國巴斯大學(University of Bath) MA TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)英語教學碩士
  • 香港大學文學院榮譽學士
  • 曾同時獲得英國巴斯大學(University of Bath)兩個獎學金: Sir Jack Cater Scholarship (姬達爵士獎學金) 及Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate School Scholarship (人文社會科研究院獎學金)
  • 深造於美國著名一級學府The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • 任教會考、高考和海外公開試 (IELTS、TOEFL…)英文科十五年
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